We are so excited to present a private photography showing with the help of Cork and Bean Ptbo and Melissa Payne Music. All proceeds from the event will go towards the YES Youth Emergency Shelter Ptbo. $10.00 dollar suggested donations :).
or purchase/download a print here and portion on proceeds will go back to the YES SHELTER.
It’s a well known fact that I carry my camera around with me more than an actual purse. So of course I had it with me at the PRHC Parades, my grandmothers Nursing home, side walk encounters with my friends at Partner and Pregnancy and the Kawartha Community Midwives, the grocery store, the local Sullivans General Store and even the post office.
Thank you all for flashing me a smile, especially when you are in the thick of making sure we are all taken care of. We thank you so, so much.
To hear a little more about why this is so special to us, head over to Ptbo Canada
A portion of print sales go back to both https://www.prhc.on.ca/about-us/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/ and the https://yesshelter.ca/. Please contact me at maryzitapayne@gmail.com for more information on print options!
I have created audio of a few of the images to show their full impact on me personally. Take a listen, and see if you can match the audio with the image :).
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